Praised, Yet Awful: A Review of Philip Yancey’s What’s So Amazing About Grace?

In my discussion earlier in this series of Paul's seminal statement, Ye are not under the law, but under grace I mentioned Philip Yancey's influential book, "What's So Amazing About Grace?" I alluded to the fact that it, along with a few other original works and a whole bunch of…
What About Fearing the Future?

Thank you for reading today. Our greatest desire is that you would be encouraged in the Lord! In my daily time with God in His Word today, the Holy Spirit spoke to me about “fearing the future.” Right now it is a difficult time for many around the world because…
How to Get Grace

Thus far in this blog series on grace we have examined what grace is, where it begins, how it ought to impact our treatment of one another, and how it becomes the atmosphere in which we grow. We have also examined some of the important doctrinal questions surrounding grace, namely…
The Burning Bush Believer

“And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush” (Exodus 3:2). The business of on-the-spot, spur-of-the-moment testifying / witnessing / soulwinning is never to be forsaken. God has commanded each of us to turn aside and seek the…
What Christianity Offers the Troubled Soul

The present pandemic of Coronavirus felt around the world has people taking a fresh look at a very old theological question of why an all-powerful, all-loving God does not end the pandemic and other evils. What answer does Scripture give? Does being a Christian provide any benefit for those suffering…
The Destruction of Legalism

Note: by Joe Cassada Welcome to the fourth and final article in this series within a series. If I may, I’d like to preface this last post with a word of thanks to Tom Brennan for entrusting me with the important task of addressing a complicated issue – one that,…
Strong Faith – Weak Faith

“And being not weak in faith…he staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith” (Romans 4:19, 20 excerpted). Abraham, known as the “father of faith,” experienced interludes and intervals of weak faith during his one-hundred-seventy-five-year sojourn on this earth. However, as he progressed in…
The Detection of Legalism

This is the third in a four post mini-series on legalism set within the context of this series on grace. These are by Pastor Joe Cassada of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Maryland Heights, Missouri. In the last two posts, I warned that two popular understandings of legalism will…
Continual Coming

“...that men ought always to pray, and not to faint..lest by her continual coming...” Luke 18:1, 5 First Thessalonians ends with a short series of short sentences, one of which is “Pray without ceasing.” What that does not mean is just as obvious as what that does mean. The Holy…
The Definition of Legalism

This is the second in a four post mini-series on legalism set within the context of this series on grace. These are by Pastor Joe Cassada of the Solid Rock Baptist Church in Maryland Heights, Missouri. Previously, I mentioned that two popular understandings of legalism fail to take the battle…