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Balthasar Hubmaier: Zealous Defender of Truth
January 24, 2024
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Dr. Balthasar Hubmaier was an Anabaptist reformer and arch-heretic of the Catholic Church.  This Catholic priest turned reformer began as a promising student and preacher.  At some point he had a genuine regeneration experience and gained the spiritual clarity to begin a “Back to the Bible” movement in the small…
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Remembering Dr. David F. Capetz, Part II
January 31, 2022
In this video, Dr. Capetz shares his concept of the Christian life based on three essential components of life. This is a topic he conceived and developed over the course of his ministry. It was woven into all of his teaching materials, and was shared personally with me to aid…
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Remembering Dr. David F. Capetz
October 5, 2021
February 13, 1948 – August 22, 2021 On August 22, Dr. David Capetz went home to be with His Lord. Dr. Capetz was a family man, a Christian educator, founder of the IBNet website, and my mentor and friend. A mutual friend recently told me how he considered himself to…
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Adoniram Judson: Man of Conviction
February 17, 2021
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Adoniram Judson is perhaps the most famous Baptist foreign missionary.  He caused a sensational stir when he changed his Congregational paedobaptist convictions to become a committed Baptist.  He is widely regarded as the father of American foreign missions.  This title is appropriate because he was the first vocational missionary, and…
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The Beginning of Fundamentalism: The Niagara Bible Conference
September 29, 2020
Spiritual forces were at work in nineteenth century Western society to undermine biblical authority and dash the blessed hope of the church upon the rugged terrain of unbelief.  The twin knock-out blows dealt to the Christian denominations were Darwinian evolution and historical criticism.  The only force standing in bold opposition…
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What Christianity Offers the Troubled Soul
May 5, 2020
The present pandemic of Coronavirus felt around the world has people taking a fresh look at a very old theological question of why an all-powerful, all-loving God does not end the pandemic and other evils.   What answer does Scripture give?  Does being a Christian provide any benefit for those suffering…
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Does God Speak Through Sign Gifts Today?
August 7, 2019
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Does God speak through the sign gifts today? By sign gifts, we mean any miraculous gifts used in the New Testament for the purpose of authenticating a person or message as originating from God (e.g. Acts 14:3).  According to an increasing number of Christians, He does. The Charismatic Movement Tongues…
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Glimpses of Hell
December 6, 2018
Many people today doubt if hell is a real place. And if hell is real, they reason, there is no angst about going there. Apart from spiritual blindness which causes the unbeliever to regard the gospel as foolishness, there are at least two reasons for dismissing the reality of hell.…
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Say What? A Terrible “Bible” Argument
October 5, 2018
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I recently came across an argument by a professing Christian who was attempting to refute a fundamentalist (i.e. someone who believes the Bible) with what amounts to a full frontal assault on sola scriptura.  It is a weak assault, but an assault nonetheless.  It goes like this: “Christ Himself is…
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Implications of Sola Scriptura
July 22, 2018
Sola scriptura is a term first applied during the Reformation period that refers to the acceptance of Scripture alone as the only infallible source of truth, and therefore the highest and final authority in all matters of faith and practice. But as alluded to in a previous post, the term…
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