Balthasar Hubmaier: Zealous Defender of Truth

Dr. Balthasar Hubmaier was an Anabaptist reformer and arch-heretic of the Catholic Church. This Catholic priest turned reformer began as a promising student and preacher. At some point he had a genuine regeneration experience and gained the spiritual clarity to begin a “Back to the Bible” movement in the small…
Adoniram Judson: Man of Conviction

Adoniram Judson is perhaps the most famous Baptist foreign missionary. He caused a sensational stir when he changed his Congregational paedobaptist convictions to become a committed Baptist. He is widely regarded as the father of American foreign missions. This title is appropriate because he was the first vocational missionary, and…
The Beginning of Fundamentalism: The Niagara Bible Conference

Spiritual forces were at work in nineteenth century Western society to undermine biblical authority and dash the blessed hope of the church upon the rugged terrain of unbelief. The twin knock-out blows dealt to the Christian denominations were Darwinian evolution and historical criticism. The only force standing in bold opposition…